Investing in Grabek-Global provides not only a competitive passive income but also competitive liquidity of all profits.
The income is available for withdrawal daily in the shortest possible time and without any limitations on the amounts to be withdrawn, allowing you to efficiently manage your resources.
Each Grabek-Global partner can customize their own investment strategy. For this purpose, investment marketing offers three types of deposits, divided into various rates.
Each type of deposit has its unique mechanics. Below, using a calculator, you can get a detailed insight into mechanics of the selected deposit.
12 days period
50 - 500 USD Amount
Principal Amount withdrawal
24 days period
500 - 5,000 USD Amount
Principal Amount withdrawal
48 days period
5,000 - 25,000 USD Amount
Principal Amount withdrawal
72 days period
25,000 - 500,000 USD Amount
Principal Amount withdrawal
Intraday trading is a trading strategy where specialists open and close positions within a single day.
As a result, all trades are concluded before the end of the trading day. To implement this strategy, our technical infrastructure has a rapid response to asset price changes and analysis of short-term market movements.
This type of deposit involves the daily accumulation of profits on the account balance on business days from Monday to Friday. The main amount of the deposit is returned to the account balance along with the last accrued profit upon completion of the deposit term.
Profit accrual for deposits occurs every 24 hours on business days (Monday to Friday).
The first profit accrual is made 24 hours after the deposit has been activated, while subsequent ones occur every 24 hours at the same time, excluding weekends.
For example, if you activate a deposit on Saturday at 5:40 pm, the first profit accrual will take place on Monday at 5:40 pm. All subsequent profit accruals will occur from Monday to Friday at 5:40 pm.
Withdrawals from the account balance are available daily without any restrictions on the maximum amount. All withdrawal requests are processed within 2 business days.